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Sustainability at Terre Bleue

​​​​​​​As part of our sustainable mission we will always strive to give back to our planet in any way possible. We firmly believe the strongest initiative to support the environment is changing consumer habits to reduce overconsumption and avoid waste. We do this by providing high quality garments, designed to love and last. When buying less you are not only making a better choice for our planet, but also increasing your own health and happiness. Aside from this, we have multiple initiatives to support sustainability. Join us in our efforts to improve our world, together.

Our road so far

So far we’ve had (and continue to have) committed initiatives on various levels throughout our brand and company. Discover all our efforts by clicking on the link below.

Learn more

Care for what you wear
You take care of what you love

Taking care of the clothing you own is a vital part of maintaining and expanding the lifespan of your pieces. As a result, you’ll benefit the most out of less purchases, and help avoid unnecessary waste. To help you enjoy your garments for as long as possible you can rely on us for quality fibres and designs, the Terre Bleue touch-up and repair service, an extensive care guide, and a range of care products made of all-natural ingredients.

Discover our Care products.

Water initiatives
One drop at a time

Our brand name literally translates to ‘Blue Earth’, playfully referring to the abundance of water on our planet. It’s also why we chose blue as our striking brand colour. That being said, it’s no secret that fashion is one of the most water-intensive industries, overusing as well as polluting it. Knowing this, we actively engage in initiatives specifically focused on water, as a counteract for our part in this global issue. Hoping to bring balance, one drop at a time.  

Read all about it​​​​​​​

Ethic and responsible production

Being founded by the Belgian family-owned fashion house ‘Duror’ (est. 1938), our company DNA has always included sustainable and responsible entrepreneurship. For over four generations, the founding family has done everything they can to ensure our creations are produced responsibly and ethically.

For the production of both our women’s and men’s collections, we work exclusively with long-term partners. In Tunisia, we even have our own production workshop, where our dresses, skirts and blouses are made. We know each other well, work together at a high level with respect for each other, and pay a fair price. We visit these workshops on a regular basis in order to maintain relations. Our designers and stylists greatly value this: we have already been working together with a third of our partners for more than 10 years.

Furthermore, our partners sign our ‘Social Compliance Document’, a code of conduct which ensures a good working environment, such as a fair wage and a ban on child labour. As many as 91 % of our partners have already signed this document, and we continue to actively pursue this agreement.
